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TowWhee Frânghie de tractare a biciclete Original JR red

Frânghie de tractare a biciclete Original JR red

Pret: €49,95

Descrierea produsului

TowWhee Original JR red is a simple and lightweight tow rope for bicycles, designed to give kids the (off-road) support they need. The tow rope consists of a highly elastic bungee rope inside, wrapped in an ultra-strong webbing. The tremendous stretch of the bungee tow rope makes shared rides more comfortable and towing safer. The rope is easy to install - hook it around the front bike's saddle and towed bike handlebar. The rope stretches from 150 to 430cm, which prevents the line from getting dangerously tangled in the wheel.

Tow rope can be also used to control the speed of your kid on the downhill... just use it the other way around.

With TowWhee you are ready to ride the routes that you wouldn’t never imagine riding with your children!


  • Simple and effective elastic bungee rope for towing a bike
  • Lightweight and compact design
  • Super easy to install - hook it around the front bike's saddle and towed bike handlebar
  • Tow rope length: 150 - 430 cm
  • Holds up to 225kg
  • Use: works with any kind of bicycles
  • Recommendation: use it with the Quick release and Quick Loop with carabiner
  • Maximal speed while towing: 13 km/h
  • Weight of the rope: 142g
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* Conținutul și opiniile exprimate de utilizatori reflectă punctul lor de vedere personal și nu reprezintă pozițiile companiei PR, d.o.o. PR, d.o.o. nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru acuratețea și credibilitatea declarațiilor utilizatorilor.

  • T. M., Ljubljana, 20.03.2023 13:04:50:


    Vrv je uporabna za marsikaj....smučanje, vleko otroškega in odraslega kolesa in ne izgublja prožnosti.
    Pri nas smo jo uporabljali tudi za vleko sank.

  • S. C., Ljubljana, 12.05.2022 10:14:34:


    Je fino ker je elastična, ni fino zaradi visoke cene za to kar je.

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Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din BTC.
Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din Ljubljana Tržaška.
Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din Radovljica.
Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din Maribor.
Produsul este disponibil pentru comanda online.

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