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Kryptonite Antifurt Keeper 510 - Key Lock

Antifurt Keeper 510 - Key Lock

Pret: €89,95

Descrierea produsului

The Kryptonite® Keeper 510 folding lock offers a compact and stylish foldable lock with high security level and ultra-reliable design. The 5mm thick steel links have a plastic coating so that the paint on the bike is always protected. Thanks to its compact folding dimensions, it can be easily transported on the bike - it includes an easy to install frame mount transport bracket.

Kryptonite stands behind its products by providing an Anti-Theft Protection Offer on specific locks.  More about Anti-Theft Protection Offer on this link
In case you loose your keys you can use Kryptonite's Key Safe programe and register your keys here.


  • Folding lock
  • 5mm hardened steel, with a plastic coating to protect the paint
  • Easy to attach with the supplied transport holder for the bottle holder attachment
  • Incl. 2 keys
  • Key Safe Program
  • In the package: 1 Kryptonite Keeper 510, 1 frame holder, 2 keys
  • Security rating: 5/10
  • Length: 100cm
  • Weight: 860g
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* Conținutul și opiniile exprimate de utilizatori reflectă punctul lor de vedere personal și nu reprezintă pozițiile companiei PR, d.o.o. PR, d.o.o. nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru acuratețea și credibilitatea declarațiilor utilizatorilor.

  • M. K., Ljubljana, 08.08.2023 14:16:15:


    Močna ključavnica, enostavna pritrditev na kolo, ne ovira pri kolesarskih potepih, zadovoljivo dolga, da se kolo priklene skozi okvir in zadnje kolo Its a keeper.

  • A. P., Ljubljana, 01.02.2023 17:12:21:


    Ključavnico sem uporabljal v švici. Nobenih težav z njo. Kolesa ni ukradel nihče.

  • J. V., Ljubljana, 28.11.2022 21:02:07:


    Kljucavnica mi dobro sluzi je prakticna in uporabna za vsak dan.

  • B. P., Budapest, 26.06.2020 16:38:59:


    It's am excellent lock. the weight is pretty high for trainings.

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