Astăzi, 10% REDUCERE suplimentară la toate produsele din categoria „lifestyle”, inclusiv la cele deja REDUSE! Folosiți codul CASUAL10 pentru haine uimitoare, pantofi sau ochelari de soare pentru timpul liber!

Compressport Roundtrip Ski Roller negru

Roundtrip Ski Roller negru

Pret: €29,95

Descrierea produsului

This freebelt is stretchy enough to fit any morphology. Constructed without seams it does not put friction on the waist and will complete your sporting outfit. It does not bounce and what you store in stays in place whatever be the effort you make. 

With a single large compartment running round the waist, the Freebelt gives you plenty of flexibility


  • With 4 slits, you can use the storage space exactly as you wish and in line with your needs. Telephone, gels, flask, a small 250ml bottle
  • The Freebelt adapts perfectly to its contents and keeps them firmly in place. 
  • Its 3D weave makes the Freebelt easy to slip on and fit to your waist – one size fits all – and the closely woven material helps your stuff sit tight from start to finish. 
  • Ultra-light, you’ll even forget you’re wearing it. Invisible under a t-shirt, it also provides light support for your back
  • Made of micro-fibres and totally seamless, the Freebelt won’t cause any feeling of discomfort or chafing.
  • Empty, it’s easy to store and fits well in a pocket.
  • Materials: 88% Polyamide, 12% Elastane
  • Size: XS/S (100 cm in waist)
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* Conținutul și opiniile exprimate de utilizatori reflectă punctul lor de vedere personal și nu reprezintă pozițiile companiei PR, d.o.o. PR, d.o.o. nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru acuratețea și credibilitatea declarațiilor utilizatorilor.

  • I. T., Zabok, 18.10.2023 11:03:55:


    Pojas je odličan! Stane u njega sve što treba za neku kraću utrku.

  • V. K., Ljubljana, 08.05.2020 20:10:38:


    Super zadeva za ključe in telefon za krajše teke, ne tišči in dobro drži "prtljago" na mestu. Super je ker ga skriješ pod majico

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