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Spark R&D Colțari pentru splitboard Ibex Regular ST black

Spark R&D
Colțari pentru splitboard Ibex Regular ST black

In loc de: €134,95
Acum: €121,45
Akcijska ponudba velja tudi v trgovinah.
Cel mai mic preț din ultimele 30 zile: €112,45
Oferta se incheie la: 06.05.2024

Descrierea produsului

Spark R&D Ibex Crampons are 4WD for your splitboard. Lightweight aluminum construction for max strength and minimum weight. Installation and removal is effortless and can be done on the fly without unstrapping, by sliding the crampon sideways into and out of touring bracket claw mounts. Teeth are fully engaged when used with or without the dual position climbing wire for maximum security on dicey terrain. The dual-width design features one crampon that is slightly wider than the other, allowing the crampons to nest together for easy handling and reduced packing space


  • Regular model for boards between 25 and 26cm waist width
  • Easy Installation and Removal: Slide in and remove while skinning, without removing your bindings
  • Made for the Steeps: Climbing wire pushes crampon teeth fully into the snow for secure ascents on steep terrain and in firm conditions
  • Nesting Design: The dual-width design features one crampon that is slightly wider than the other, allowing the crampons to nest together for easy handling and reduced packing space
  • Lightweight: Aluminum construction with cutouts
  • Storage: Includes storage bag to protect other gear in your pack
  • Compatible with:  Spark R&D Arc, Surge, AfterBurner, Magneto, Burton Hitchhiker Bindings, & Nitro Vertical Bindings
  • Heel Locker and Riser Kit compatible
  • Weight: 336g (regular model)
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* Conținutul și opiniile exprimate de utilizatori reflectă punctul lor de vedere personal și nu reprezintă pozițiile companiei PR, d.o.o. PR, d.o.o. nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru acuratețea și credibilitatea declarațiilor utilizatorilor.

  • T. B., MARIBOR, 14.02.2024 21:20:01:


    Vrhunska zadeva s priloženo sintetično vrečko. Super za vezi Spark, ki direktno pritisnejo na srenač in ga lahko smučar z vso težo ob tla pritisne, da se maksimalno zarine v podlago.

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Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din Ljubljana Tržaška.
Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din Radovljica.
Produsul se afla in stoc la magazinul nostru din Maribor.
Produsul este disponibil pentru comanda online.

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