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Spark R&D Splitboard Fixie Clips Through Mount

Spark R&D
Splitboard Fixie Clips Through Mount

Pret: €59,95

Descrierea produsului

The new Spark R&D Fixie Clips come in a sleek, lightweight aluminum design that features no moving parts. It’s stiff, simple, and requires no rotation - just put your splitboard together and rideee! The Fixies have built-in adjustability to help compensate for varying board hole patterns. They shed snow and ice, and won’t slip over time.

Through-Mount Fixie Clips are for splitboards that are drilled through at the clip mounting points (you can see screw heads on the base of your board).


  • Stiff and simple clips to put your splitboard together 
  • Sleek and lightweght design without moving parts
  • Compatible with all two-piece splitboards that are drilled through at the clip mounting points (you can see screw heads on the base of your board)a
  • Easy to use 
  • Pack includes: 2 left clips, 2 right clips, (8) 12mm screws (for thin boards),  (8) 14 mm screws (for thick boards), 4 grip nuts, 2  square nuts
  • Not compatible with splitboards that have inserts at the clip mounting points (you can't see screw heads on the base of your board)
  • Not compatible with 3-piece or 4-piece splitboards.
  • Weight: 64g per pair
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* Conținutul și opiniile exprimate de utilizatori reflectă punctul lor de vedere personal și nu reprezintă pozițiile companiei PR, d.o.o. PR, d.o.o. nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru acuratețea și credibilitatea declarațiilor utilizatorilor.

  • M. C., Nova gorica, 14.01.2021 11:02:53:


    Preprost sitem, ki zelo dobro deluje in izboljša trdnost deske. Priporočam.

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