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Aktivni mediji Higher Calling: Road Cycling’s Obsession with the Mountains

Aktivni mediji
Higher Calling: Road Cycling’s Obsession with the Mountains

Pret: €24,95

Descrierea produsului

Higher Calling: Road Cycling’s Obsession with the Mountains is a book which explores the central place of mountains in the folklore of road cycling. Blending adventure and travel writing with the rich narrative of pro racing, Max Leonard takes the reader from the battles that created the Alpine roads to the shepherds tending their flocks on the peaks, and to a Grand Tour climax on the ‘highest road in Europe’. And he tells stories of courage and sacrifice, war and love, obsession and elephants along the way.


  • Author: Max Leonard
  • Original title: Higher Calling: Road Cycling’s Obsession with the Mountains
  • Copyright © for Slovenia Aktivni mediji d.o.o., 2018
  • Publisher: Aktivni mediji, d.o.o.
  • Paperback
  • Dimensions: 21x15 cm
  • 324 pages
  • ISBN: 978-961-94017-8-1
  • Please note: the book is in Slovenian language
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* Conținutul și opiniile exprimate de utilizatori reflectă punctul lor de vedere personal și nu reprezintă pozițiile companiei PR, d.o.o. PR, d.o.o. nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru acuratețea și credibilitatea declarațiilor utilizatorilor.

  • B. T., Ljubljana, 03.05.2021 07:34:32:


    Čudovito. Tako sem "padel noter", da me je prijelo, da bi sedel v avto, dal bicikel na prtljažnik in se odpeljal proti francoskim in italijanskim gorskim prelazom... Doživeto napisano, kot bi gledal film.

  • M. P., Krmelj, 17.11.2019 19:27:06:


    V knjigi so lepo opisane prigode in različne zgodbe iz kolesarstva. Odlično branje za deževne dni.

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