EXTREME VITAL LAB – Individual Boot Fitting
Boot fitting is an excellent solution for sore and cold feet, or in general for an uncomfortable feeling when wearing ski shoes.
Ski shoes are along with the skis the most important piece of ski equipment. However, even for a pro skier, choosing the right ski shoes can be a nightmare. Every ski shoe brand (Salomon, Fischer, Atomic, Dalbello, Scarpa, Dynafit, …) and model has its own characteristics that fit more to one shape of the feet than the others.
Each pair of legs, even every foot, can differ and has its own anatomic features. Thus, to make the right decision nowadays demands more time, because the models have become more specific. This can be an advantage only if we choose the right shoes that fit our feet and needs.
Wide range of ski shoe models for different purposes means you have a lot of options. Yet, at the same time this means we are often overwhelmed with lots of information which makes it more difficult to make the right decision.
In Extreme Vital shops we now provide individual boot fitting service. By our personal and professional approach we advise and help you to choose right. We can also redesign the shoes to your needs. This means that we can stretch or narrow your ski shoes, and polish its interior at critical points.
Through an interview with our ski footwear professional who also takes your wishes into account, you will together find the type of ski shoes that will fit best to your skiing level and needs.
2. Selection of the shoes
By the help of modern technology we will measure and do a thorough analysis of your feet. Considering the characteristics of your feet and information from the interview, we will suggest a few models that you will try and choose a model that fits you best.
3. Custom made insoles
With the Sidas device we will do a cast of your feet by help of which we will later do a custom made insoles for your shoes. These will make shoes more comfortable and provide more stability to your feet during skiing.
If there are significant peculiarities (very wide feet, Haglund's deformity, Hallux valgus …), we will adjust even the ski shoe shell. With heating the plastic and by the use of mechanic tools we can extend the width and length without interfering with the shoe's overall integrity.
5. Custom made liner
When the stretching of ski shoe shell is finished we begin with the design of the liner. By heat treatment in a special oven we will adjust the liner to completely fit your foot, thus providing additional comfort and strengthening the grip. This procedure can also solve sore feet problem when you are skiing for a longer
6. After sale services
Bootfit service offers all after sale services until the optimal ski shoes fitting is achieved.
After the service we are always there for you, even if you need additional modifications. We will gladly accept your call and make an arrangement for a meeting.