100% secure purchase

Entering your personal data in the process of registering or login is needed and used only for the correct ecommerce online transaction services of Extreme Vital online store.

We oblige to keep all your information safe and secure. We will never pass your details on to third parties for profit or otherwise. Customers are always able to oversee their personal data we store through their user account.

In order to make all online transactions safe and secure against third parties we use safe internet protocol SSL (secure sockets layer), regularly verified by GeoTrust.

Click on a GeoTrust logo to verify certificate validity...

When using the credit card payment option, after entering your personal data, your browser will direct you to a secured website where you will be asked for your credit card details. This secured website in controlled by a credit card processor. We do not have any access to your credit card details and we will be only allowed to charge you the amount of your purchase after getting a conformation of sufficient funds from credit card processor Bankart (Slovenia credit card processor).

After entering your data and completing process on a secure credit card processor’s website you will be redirected back to our webpage to complete your purchase.

Online store Extreme Vital therefore does not hold any data of your credit card on our servers.